Radio Standard Quad Fin Set


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Front Leading Fin HeightFront Leading Fin BaseFront Leading Fin CantFront Leading Fin FoilBack Trailing Fin HeightBack Trailing Fin BaseBack Trailing Fin CantBack Trailing Fin Foil
4.65" 4.5" Flat 3.75" 3.75" 80/20

Compatible with Future fin boxes. Radio Fins are master designs created by Allan Gibbons for Mollusk. With their traditional rakey, matched planshapes, the Radio Standard Quad group is a departure from the more upright, Radio ModQuad split-keel style set. The Standard Quad Fin Set is designed for optimal performance in a variety of wave conditions. Consisting of four fins in a symmetrical layout, with a larger front pair and smaller rear pair, these fins provide excellent speed and control. The front fins offer stability and drive while the rear fins enhance maneuverability responsiveness, making them ideal for generating speed in smaller or mushier waves while providing stability and smooth turns in larger waves.

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